
CLEANSE Spiritual Bath

Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $47.00.

Use this bath peace and protection into your life. The main ingredient in these baths is White Wood Aster, its spiritual properties are GREAT for clearing blockages, black magic and protection you from negative energy. I found this herb on my quest for more goldenrod and have fell in love with it too!

White wood Aster is a natural astringent that can cleanse your space and remove blockages keeping you from the life you want. If you do spiritual work for clients, this candle is great for clearing your energy of the inevitable spiritual residue left behind from healing others. Working a 9-5 can be tough on the spirit especially if you have competitive/messy co workers, use this bath after a long week to reset and replenish your good vibe.

This bath also contains other strong protection and cleasing herbs such as mugwort, rosemary & many more. If you feel like you have been under spiritual attack/black magic or just need to cleanse, GET THIS BATH!

Candle comes in poly bag, Contains enough herbs for 2-3 baths depending on your preference of how much herbs you use per bath

Can be used whenever, I recommend using my CLEANSE Spell candle with your bath while listening to calming music or subliminals. Take bath once a week or 2-3 times a month depending on your situation. Herbs should be safe for all skin types but test an area of your skin first if you have sensitive skin. No refunds

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